Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Alert : Riots / Railways Sucess : Guwahati Refinery
Suicide bombing attempts likely to occur in India, specially in J & K.
Violence Alert :
Many parts of India may face communal tension / clashes specially during processions.
Industrial / Nuclear Disaster Alert :
Many Industrial units including some Nuclear Units are likely to face fire / disasters (as a fire broke out in B.A.R.C. lab killed 2 scientists).
Railways Alert :
Elite trains specially Rajdhani Express (Mumbai-Delhi / Delhi-Howrah) trains needs special technical attention / security enhance during their run.
Success :
As we had alerted for possible threat to Guwahati Refinery on 09/09/2009 it comes true as a ULFA terrorist captured near Refinery with RDX having malicious intention. Dt. 27/12/2009
Lessons for Agencies :
The case of Delta Plane blow up attempt in US teches us that only Gadgets cannot help to prevent Terrorist attacks they can only benefits some politicians / bureaucrats / companies...
Predictive Intelligence is a must... well done PC as you initiated to setup NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Centre ) in India , please do it at the earliest.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Alert : Delhi, Naxals , Sucess : Missing Nuke Device , Fidayeen Alert
Delhi (Our earlier Input verified by Intelligence agencies as alert issued for Mumbai / Delhi / Kolkata for Fidayeen Attacks)
Naxal Theart :
Border Region of CG, ORISSA and JHARKHAND (Hazaribagh , Gumla, Simdega, Sundarnagar) and Jagdalpur Region.
Success :
Prime Minisiter Dr. Singh's security brached again at Delhi Airport as a vehicle collided with his VVIP carrier on 17/12/2009 (after W' house secuirty breach incident), as we had alerted agencies for his security to be enhanced. Is Kopenhagen safe ? we can say No...
We had got location of the missing Nuke Device of CIA / RAW of secret Mission Blue Mountain near Mount Nanda Devi shared with National Disaster Management Authority of India
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sucess: W' House Security Breach Anticipated by us... Nuclear Reactors Safe..
New Delhi , Mumbai, Kolkata , New York
Threat Analysis :
No security threat to any Nuclear Installation in India from Terrorist Organizations, only Disaster / Sabotage Threat exists for which we had previously issued alerts (which later flashes in Media as terror threat to Nuclear Installations which is not true) and come true on Nov. 24, 2009 while the Tritium leakage incident occurred at Caiga Nuclear Plant, Karnataka.
Success :
The security breach at the White House in which 2 suspected persons entered in the Dinner Hosted by US President Barack Obama in honor of Indian PM Dr. Singh was anticipated by us on Nov. 22, 2009 (and in our earlier posts).
The biggest achievement is that we pesonallay informed CIA Chief Mr. Penetta on that Nov. 22, 2009 at their website to monitor our portal for the threats related to US Security.
Again we had beaten CIA in anticipating threats at their homeland. What would happened if Al-Quida persons entered with aim to poison the edible succeeded ? CIA / FBI must show their sensitivity and security officials needed to be sacked off both from India and US as Indian Experts are monitoring us and not share the inputs with US.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Alert : TIFR not BARC, Nuke Reactors Safe , Delhi Part I, Sucess
No Terror Threat to any Nuclear Reactor / Installation in India in near Future.
T.I.F.R. needs to take special security precautions. No threat to B.A.R.C.
Irresponsible attitude of Home Ministry / FBI to leak confidential inputs in Media. Is media bribing Officials to leak these highly confidential inputs.
The repeated threat inputs / alerts weakens the counter reaction capabilities of security forces.
Terror Alert :
- Delhi is having severe security threat from Terror forces, needs to take special precaution during FBI / CIA Chiefs in India. (Delhi Part - I)
- Terrorists are using underground tunnels to cross into Indian borders
- We had correctly anticipated the recent 4.75 E'quake struck Maharashtra on 15/11/2009 near Koyna Dam in our previous posts of 08/09/2009. Is NDMA hearing ?
- We also anticipated the Rail Accident near Jaipur of Mandore Express derailment on 14/11/2009. An alert was also sent by Fax to Railway Minister of India before that accident. (As we put it on this Post)
- The current terror attacks in Jammu & Kashmir were anticipated by us in our previous posts. (CISF / DIG killed in IED blast today)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Alert : Delhi Part I Sucess : Cyclone Gujrat - Maharshtra
Recent Indications confirms the possibility of a major terror attack Equivalent to Mumbai 26-11 to be happened in Delhi in near future. Probable Locations : Rashtrapati Bhawan, N-S Block, Parliament Building, Supreme Court of India. (All building having domes should have tighten their Security at the earliest). At the same time Mumbai is going to be targeted. (Delhi - Mumbai Parallel Attacks)
This alert has been shared with Indian Security Agencies through proper channel. Yet to be appeared in Indian Media soon...
Success : We had correctly anticipated the forth coming Cyclone going to strike Indian West coast on Gujrat - Maharashtra Region on Sept 08 and Sept 10 , 2009 on this portal.
Check this link for having confirmation :
Those who says there was no local support in Mumbai 26-11 must read the FBI reports about interrogation of the Let Terrorists captured in US.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Alert : Threat to Obama, Vaishnodevi
Security Threat to US President Barack Obama his car might be targeted. 2 attacks are possible.
Terrorism Alert :
Indian Holy Shrine of Shri Vaishnodevi has security threat from Pakistan based terrorist groups.
Earthquake Alert :
There are indications of a possible E'quake in Himanchal / Uttaranchanl & North Indian Region of Magnitude 6.0
Success :
We had successfully anticipated the possible terror threat in India from Pakistan based group exposed by FBI. IMA, Dehdradun is still having terror threat. Various train accidents in recent past were also anticipated by us giving details of them in upcoming posts.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Alert : E'quake, Railway Threats, Terrorism
North East India 7.7 to 8.0 within next 2-3 Months (also affects West Bengal & Bangladesh)
Terrorism Alert :
Srinagar, Jammu and Delhi
Rail Disaster Threat :
Special Alert : Southern Railway (Shoranur Station)
Regions of Probable Accident Threat in next 1-2 Months
- Pathankot – Jammu Section
- Marwar Jn. – Jodhpur Section
- Allahabad – Kanpur Section
- Mathura – Agra Section
Regions of Probable Naxal Threat in next 1-2 Months.
- Raipur – Nagpur Section near MH – CG Border
- Chandrapur Region Delhi – Chennai Route MH- AP Border
- Raipur – Titlagarh Section neat CG – Orissa Border
- Howrah – Chennai Route near Cuttack
- Kharagpur Region on the same section where Rajdhani attacked.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Alert: Int'nal Japan, Air, Taliban, Verification
1. A Nuclear Reactor in Japan probable Location Shika NPS Hokuriku (or some other) has threat of being struck by an E' Quake of high magnitude about 7.0 on Richter Scale. Dt. 17/10/2009
Air Disaster Alert
1. Air India Flight Mumbai - London may develop snag / threat during its flight. Dt. 18/10/2009
Threat Verification
Threat of Terror attacks from sea route in next few days is vague. Terrorists are infiltrated into India from mountains. North Indian Strategic installations like IMA, Dehradun, Holy shrines are in their priority list. Taliban has entered in India.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Alert : Army Training Centres Sucess : Suicide Bomber, Floods in India
Armed forces training centers in North India specially I.M.A., Dehradun are having threat from terrorist groups.
Disaster Alert :
Holy Shrines of Vaishnodevi and Amarnath are having threat of facing some disasters like Landslides / Stampede in next few days hence required more preparedness.
Success :
- We had successfully anticipated the failed suicide bombing attempt at army camp in Srinagar on Oct. 10,2009
- The recent floods in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa were also anticiapted in our post Dt. Sept. 15, 2009 (Under Flood tag in South Maharshtra and Orissa). South Maharashtra is the region where borders of AP, Karnataka and Maharshtra meets has suffered immense loss. The estimated loss of Rs. 30,000 crores could be minimized if our advice was followed in a positive manner by N.D.M.A.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Alert: Red Alert Delhi, North India, Commonwealth Games
Delhi is facing greatest terror threat in next few days including today. Red Alert Required.
Various terrorist in Groups infiltrated into Indian Borders including Suicide Bombers.
I.S.I. planned to target top leaders and foreign diplomats.
Common wealth Games are not safe, we have inputs to be shared with Indian / International agencies on request.
Our Monitors C.I.A. / F.B.I. / Mossad / Stratfor / T.A.I. / National Security Council / N.D.M.A. / Scotland Yard / N.M.F. / Think Tanks / Media channels needs to note down this input.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Alert : VVIPs, Terrorism Proof : E'quake 6.3 NE, Car bomb Srinagar
2 VVIPs of India could lost their live in next few days (Prime Minister Dr. Singh and Rahul Gandhi should be more careful during their next campaigns in Maharashtra)
Naxal Alert :
Naxals could target VVIPs and their choppers in Akola, Amrawati, Yawatmal, Nagpur Districts.
Terrorism Alert / Analysis :
No Terror threat in Gujarat State. Agencies should focus on Delhi and Mumbai first during Navratra - Dashera Season.
Earth Quake Alert :
New Delhi Region (as per our previous alerts in having highest risk of having struck by E'quake of Mag. 6.8)
Success :
- As we had anticipated Earthquakes of Mag. 6.0 could struck N-E States and Uttaranchal / North India on 08/09/2009 comes true on 21/09/2009 when 2 major E'quakes Mag. 6.3 and 4.8 Struck North Eastern Indian states (Epicentres: Bhutan and Gaurikund, Uttaranchal).

MAP | 6.1 | 2009/09/21 08:53:06 | 27.351 | 91.425 | 10.0 | BHUTAN |
- We had anticipated terror threat in Srinagar and Jammu on 10/09/2009 comes true when a car bomb explodes near Jail in Srinagar on 12/09/2009. Cross border firings in Jammu Region.
Deadly car bomb blast in Kashmir
Page last updated at 15:40 GMT, Saturday, 12 September 2009 16:40 UK BBC
A car bomb has killed at least two policemen and a civilian in the regional capital of Indian-administered Kashmir, Srinagar, officials say.
Ten other officers were injured in the explosion, which occurred outside the city's main jail. Some of the wounded are said to be in critical condition.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Alert : Chienese Submarines near Indian Coast; E' Quake
We had detected 3 Chinese Submarines near Indian Coastline of TN - AP, Approximate location on 13/09/2009 were 16N - 85E, 14N - 82 E and 10N - 82.5E
Earth Quake Alert:
An E' Quake of Magnitude 8.0 could struck Andamman & Nicobar Region shortly.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Disaster Threat Map of India
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Disaster Probability Locations for India
We had made a disaster expectancy location list for various disasters in following categories, different agencies may take precautionary measures to prevent such disasters.
Earth Quake / Exp. Mag.
N-E States Shillong 6.0
N-E States Shillong 7.7
Koyana Dam / Mumbai Region 6.0
Uttaranchal / North India 6.0
Bhuj Gujrat 5.0
Muzaffarabad POK / North India 8.0
Jodhpur / Rajasthan 4.0
Nuclear Disaster / Accidents
Kakarapar Atomic Plant Low Risk
Narora Atomic Plant Low Risk
Rajasthan Atomic Plant / Heavy Water Plant, Kota High Risk
Porbandar / Junagarh Gujarat
Vishakhapatnam / AP East Coast
Kolkata / West Bengal Coast
Cloud Burst
Dharmashala – Manali Region HP
Badrinath Region Uttaranchal
Darjeeling WB
Shimla – Rampur Route / Region
Srinagar – Leh Route
Western Arunachal Pradesh
Himanchal – J&K Border Region
Refinery Accidents
North Bihar
East UP
Vidarbha / Marathwada
South Maharstra
Central Kerala
North West Rajasthan
West Orissa
Information based on as per our observations on 09/09/2009 – Chanakya
Saturday, September 5, 2009
YSR chopper located first on the same day

The possible location of Anadra Pradesh C.M.'s missing chopper since 09:35 AM may be near Tungbhadra Lake near Karnool, A.P., We had received a threat alert about A.P. on Aug. 28, 2009.
Probable Location : N-15'55'48 ; E-78'14'42
Health Status : Extremely Negative / Critical
Disaster Alert :
Rawatbhata is going to face disaster in near future.
VVIP Alert :
There exists severe security threat to VVIPs during Maharashtra Elections from Naxalites. (we had alerted agencies in advance about the names of persons under threat)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Urgent : Location Andhra Pradesh CM Chopper
Probable Location : N-15'55'48 ; E-78'14'42
Health Status : Extremely Negative / Critical
(Predictive Intelligence Analyst)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Alert : Punjab; Success: Building Collapse Delhi
Punjab could have face heavy violence / heavy clashes among various communities in next few days. Dt. 01/09/2009
Success :
- Failure of ISRO Mission Chandrayaan - I on 30/08/2009 after failure of communication link with the probe. Anticipated on 17/04/2009 and 23/10/2008 at worldforecast.blogspot.com
- Disclosure of Mumbai Part II plan by Lashkar Millitants captured in New Delhi (Zee News Dt. 29/08/2009) as we had repeated mentioned it since March 31,2009, also as we had anticipated the region around Marine Drive would be the possible primary target it comes true in the media reports that the markets and establishments around Marine Drive were Primary Target at worldforecast.blogspot.com
- As anticipated by us a new type test by Pakistan on July 10, 2009 comes true that Pakistan Modified Harpoon missile to attack Indian ground Installations to make it modified to attack ground targets by NY Times report on 31/08/2009 at worldforecast.blogspot.com
- We anticipated building collapse probability in New Delhi / NCR region at on Aug. 26,2009 comes true on Sept. 01,2009 when a 4 story building collapsed in Delhi Shahdara, injured almost 19 people.
With Regards,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alerts : Naxal Threat - Andhra Pradesh; Rail Disasters
Railway Disaster Alert : Landslides on Railway Track (Probable Region : N-E Railways)
Accident on Konkan Railway Route
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Alert : Nasik, High Alert Success : Terrorist captured in New Delhi
Indications of Mumbai - 26/11 and Lahore Type attacks received.
Terrorism Alert : Nasik
Disaster Alert : Building collapse incidents possible in New Delhi / NCR Region.
Success :
Terrorist caught at New Delhi Railway Station on Aug. 25, 2009 with 5 KG RDX, 4 Detonators and Timers after our "Terror Threat +" Alert level on Aug. 22,2009 and previous warning of serial blast in National Capital on Aug. 07 ,2009
Suspected Lashkar terrorist with Pak passport arrested in New Delhi
Rahul Tripathi, TIMES NEWS NETWORK & AGENCIES 25 August 2009, 01:35pm IST
NEW DELHI: A suspected Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist was arrested in Delhi on Tuesday and explosives were recovered from him, police said.The suspected Lashkar terrorist, Yusuf alias Salim (27) being arrested from New Delhi railway station by special cell on Tuesday.
The man who alighted from a train on the Ajmeri Gate side of the New Delhi Railway Station was caught by Delhi Police's Special Cell at around 12:40 pm, deputy commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Alok Kumar said. Two of his associates, however, escaped.
He said they were trying to ascertain his identity as well as his mission in the national capital. The suspected terrorists were believed to be traveling to Maharashtra. Efforts are on to nab the two who escaped.
He is the second terrorist to be arrested by the Delhi Police this month. On August 6 just days ahead of Independence Day, the Special Cell had arrested two suspected Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists from Daryaganj area in central Delhi.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Alert : E'quack North India / NCR Sucess : Bihar Naxal Attack
North India / Delhi NCR region may struck by an strong E'quack about 6.8 in Magnitude within next 6 Months (Epicentre may be Near Pithoragarh, Uttaranchal)
Success :
As we had alerted for Naxal Attacks in Bhagalpur / Banka Region of Bihar the Naxalaites Attacks Police Station in the adjoining Jamui District killed 4 Policeman.
Maoists Kill Four Security Jawans in Jamui
Patna: August 22, 2009
Heavily armed Maoist ultras on Saturday shot and killed four policemen and injured two other jawans in Jamui district after launching an assault on a police patrol team under Sono police station.
Additional Director General of Police (Headquarters) Neelmani, while confirming the incident, said a a police sub-inspector and three Special Auxiliary Police (SAP) jawans were killed and two other policemen hurt when the patrolling team came under intense gunfire and bomb explosion from over 40 Maoist guerillas.
While retaliatory shots were fired by the security officials, it was not clear if any terrorist was killed in the encounter.
Reinforcements were sent from Jamui, Patna, and Bhagalpur to conduct raids in the dense forest believed to be the hideouts of the extremists, Neelmani said.
Close shave for 141 passengers of Air India flight
22 Aug 2009, 2019 hrs IST, IANS
CHENNAI: It was a close shave for 141 passengers and crew of a Chennai-bound Air India flight as the pilot managed to safely land the aircraft there Saturday despite a tyre burst while taking off from Singapore.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Alert : Aviation,Earth Quake Sucess: NE Quake,Infiltration,Rail Fire
- 4.9 Mag. Earthquake Struck North Eastern India as we already issued Red alert for Earthquake in our Alert Section.
- 9 Pakistanis captured in Gujarat while infiltrating into Indian Coastline on Aug. 17, 2009 as we had already issued warning for Indian Ports on July 28, 2009.
- After our Alert of possible train Accident / Threat in Gaya Division of Bihar 11 coaches of 2 trains burnt by mob on Aug. 19, 2008 in Bihar.
Aviation Alert :
Air India planes specially Airbus A-320 should have to taken special precautions in landing.
Earth Quake Alert :
Whole Indian Region could face a large Earth Quake soon as per our observations.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Alert : Indian Navy Sucess : E' Quack, Ship Seized, Naxal threat foiled, Nuclear Plant,Rail Accidents
- After our anticipation of a possible Naxal threat in Kanker, a conspiracy plan of major attack at armed forces foiled at Kanker Aug. 14, 2009
- After our anticipation of a possible Disaster threat at Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant, Kota it comes true on Aug. 13, 2009 when a blast occurs in Boiler Section of 6th reactor injured 4 workers.
- After our Port Alert for Indian Ports on July 28, 2009 North Korean Ship was captured in Andamaan and Nicobar Island on August 11, 2009
- After our E'quack Alert on Aug. 4, 2009 and Previous Alerts for E' Quack in India, a Quack of 7.6 Magnitude struck Andamaan and Nicobar Islands on Aug. 10, 2009 and adjoining parts of Orrisa and Andhra Pradesh
- After our alert of possible accident in Delhi Metro Rail on July 26,2009 there occurs a derailment of a Metro train on an over bridge in Delhi on Aug. 13, 2009
- After our alert of Rail accident Mumbai / Kalyan Region Region two local trains collide in Mumbai's Mahim station on Aug. 09, 2009
Indian Navy needs to keep eye on suspected persons who may carry terror / sabotage attempts on its ships specially on Air Craft Carrier INS VIRAT.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Success : Terrorists caught in Delhi, Alert : New Delhi again
Terror Alert :
Agencies needed more alert in New Delhi as Multiple attacks are possible in New Delhi till Independence Day.
Media Report Proof :
Independence Day terror plot unraveled in Delhi |
By Ajay Jha, Chief Correspondent Gulf News |
New Delhi: Delhi Police on Friday claimed to have averted terror strikes in the national capital by arresting two suspected militants belonging to the Hizbul Mujahideen group. The suspects, identified as Ashiq Ali and Javed Ahmad from Jammu and Kashmir, were allegedly plotting a series of terror attacks in the run-up to the August 15 Independence Day celebrations. According to P.N. Aggarwal, joint commissioner of police (special cell), the two militants were picked up from a park of Daryaganj locality of central Delhi on Thursday night with two AK-47 assault rifles, two grenades, four magazines of ammunition, cash and documents. Interestingly, the two were apprehended hours within the federal authorities issued a warning that the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba may carry out terror attacks in New Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad, based on intelligence inputs. The spot the duo was arrested from is barely a kilometre from the Red Fort, the traditional venue of the Independence Day celebrations. Local authorities were already in the process of sanitizing the historic 17th century fort and denied entry to tourists and other visitors. Delhi Police and other intelligence agencies were interrogating the two captured militants to get more leads about their plans and their local associates. Addressing a press conference, Aggarwal said that the duo was picked up from a white car bearing a Haryana state registration plate, which turned out to be fake, as they were apparently moving towards the Red Fort. The officer claimed that the duo was in touch with their handlers in Pakistan over phone. He further said that both Ali and Ahmad had been associated with the Hizbul Mujahideen for four years and had crossed over to India from the Nepal border on August 3. Delhi Police are already in a state of high alert and have intensified precautionary checks at all hotels and guest houses besides inspecting credentials of people who have rented out residential accommodation in the city over the past few months. |
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Terror Delhi, E'quake Mumbai
Mumbai Probable Magnitude 7.5 on Richter Scale Period Within Next 6 Months from today.
Terrorism Alert:
New Delhi
After our alert for Surat on July 28, 2009 Intel agencies issued an alert for Surat on August 04, 2009.
VIP Threat Alert :
Lalu Prasad Yadav
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Alert : E'quake, Terrorism, Ports
Region State Probable Magnitude
1. Koyana Dam Region - Maharashtra - 6.5 to 7.5
2. Bhuj Region - Gujarat - 4.5 to 5.5
3. Himalayan Region - Uttaranchal/Himachal - 4.5 to 5.0
Terrorism Alert :
Agencies are requested to be at high alert within next 7-10 days
Shipping / Port Alert :
1. Surat
2. Mumbai
3. Vishakhapattanam
All ports Across the country have passenger acceptability.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Alert : Malkangiri , Delhi Metro Proof: Naxal Attack at Dantewada
As per our indication there occurs a Naxal attack in Dantewada on 26/07/2009 killed 2 security personnels and injured seven in a Land mine Blast.
We had indication of a Major Naxal attack within a short span from today, probably in Malkangiri region but alert must raised for whole Naxal affected region.
Railways :
We would like to warn Indian Railways for a probable accident on Delhi Metro Route to South Delhi crossing Safdarjung Bypass Rail route. The route must be checked for possible defects in the construction / accident fesibilty.
Media Proofs :
Two CRPF jawans killed in Maoist attack
Monday, Jul 27, 2009 K. Srinivas Reddy The Hindu
RAIPUR: A day before the Maoist martyrs’ week begins, rebels blasted a van carrying Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) jawans between Gidam and Barsur villages in the Bastar forests of Chhattisgarh on Sunday, killing two and injuring seven of them.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Proof : Landslide in Badrinath
Heavy Landslide in Badrinath Anticipated on July 12, 2009 occurs on July 19,2009
(10,000 Pilgrims Trapped)
Badrinath cut off, pilgrims advised not to visit area
Dehra Dun, Jul 19 (PTI) The Uttarakhand government today issued an advisory asking pilgrims not to visit Badrinath shrine for time being after it was cut off from the rest of the country due to a cloudburst in Chamoli district.District Magistrate Chamoli Arun Dhaundiyal today issued the advisory asking pilgrims not to come to Badrinath temple where a big stretch of road at Lambagar was snapped due to cloudburst last night.
Dhaundiyal told PTI that 1,000 pilgrims were struck at various points in and around Badrinath and the district administration was trying to provide facilities like food items to them. The road is expected to be repaired by Wednesday.Meanwhile, BRO personnel have started work to repair the road and clear debris on the Badrinath-Rishikesh highway at Lambagar, a highly fragile zone in the Himalayan belt.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This blog has been started to share the actionable intelligence inputs with the various Indian State Governments and Authorities to Predict / Anticipate Terror / Naxal attacks / Disasters in India.
We are playing key role in providing actionable intelligence inputs to the various Govt. agencies since last 4 years we had observed a delay in reaching the intelligence inputs to the concern state governments from central agencies hence we are planning parallely share the inputs with Central and State Goverment and with other ministries concern.
We are providing inputs in various categories like Terrorism , Naxalism , Rail / Air / Industrial Disasters , VIP / VVIP personal threats and more categories soon... we are currently running a blog on the same pattern at international level http://worldforecast.blogspot.com which is being appriciated by various intenational and national monitoring agencies , research institutes and defence experts across the world.
We hope the continuous support from all the state and central govt. and ministries in national interest to mitigate loss of valuable lives of braves security personnels and common people.
Thanking You,
(Indpendent Predictive Intelligence Expert)