Monday, January 16, 2012

Alert: Delhi , Parliament, Republic Day,

Dear Friends,

India is going to face hard time in next few days as per our indications...

1. Indian Parliament and Republic Day function in Delhi are on terrorists' radar they are going to target them.

2. China and Pakistan may join hands against India and likely to join hands against India indications of war like situation between the three is not being eliminated.

3. Rahul Gandhi is under live threat from terror forces.

After our anticipation of Iran US war many experts including N.S.A. to former US President is also expecting the same.

With Regards,


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Greetings for 2012, Iran war, India terror threats

Dear Friends,

New Year 2012 Greetings to all, this is the ascension period of good powers and destruction of grey powers, hence be ready to face challenges and witness changes.

Some terror inputs for Republic Day in Delhi and also in Mumbai.

Iran - US war is likely to take place soon and Iran may test its nukes to start war.

With Best Regards,
